[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2476540403 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small]

As the stone falls it won’t come up again” was my last effort in making lush ambient techno and IDM like structures. After this release I turned completely into drone and soundscape music.
Though, because of the nature of this piece at that time it gained quite some attention. With over 2000 downloads from the website I had at that time and another 900 (and a bit) from Archive.org it can be said to be really popular considering it never got any affiliation with a record label.

Due to this popularity at that time I thought it was time to re-upload it here in higher quality. You can now get it in various formats including mp3 and FLAC

The file is completely free for download, though I would really appreciate a donation if you really enjoy the release.
You can decide for yourself what your price will be, if you do not want to pay just mark the box with 0 (but don’t forget to fill in your name).

In the extra files you can find the original artwork to download, so do not forget to this. With this you can burn it to a CD-R and make it a nice looking package in your collection.