A Room With A View [out May 16th]

Last few weeks in all secrecy I have been working with Striate Cortex on getting my newest 3″ CD-R out and Monday May 16th it will be so far. A Room With A View A Room With A View is released as 3″ CD-R in hand made cover with pro printed art in an edition […]

[out soon] Die Helden Sind Nicht Mehr

On Friday February 11th my new 3″ CD-R EP will come out. It goes by the title “Die Helden Sind Nicht Mehr”, which is a quote taken from the motion picture Himmel Über Berlin. This reference also comes back in the music where several different samples from the film are used. The music is quite […]

Turn Loose The Goose almost sold-out

Turn Loose The Goose is almost sold out, at moment of writing only 4 copies are left. So if you are interested in this release please email me first at orphax@orphax.com to make sure you no one gets disappointed. Have a listen here:

Orphax now also on SoundCloud

I have uploaded a few releases to SoundCloud to check out how it all works and, although it’s ugly, it seems to be an easy site. You can’t buy digital music there for now, but at least you can check things out. Feel free to check the stuff out and spread it around (which is […]

Orphax & The Village Orchestra live at McSorleys, Glasgow 19-08-07

During my vacation when I went camping with a tent from Survival Cooking, 2007 I did some live collaboration with my friend Ruaridh Law better known as The Village Orchestra / TVO, of course did was after camping for two days and having lots of fun thanks to the Survival Cooking tips. In addition about […]

Updating the site

I am updating the site to a blog style site. If you see this before there is more information please go to http://www.orphax.com/indexold1.html to see more information.