44 x 44 – Orphax Reworked

44 x 44 – Orphax Reworked Moving Furniture Records released the boxset 44 x 44 – Orphax reworked with great compositions by 7 friends, and one by myself based on my 44 x 44 sketches. The collection was received pretty well and got some lovely reviews as well. So be sure to check it out. […]
Orphax & Modelbau Split

Two giants of the Dutch experimental scene pay tribute to one another in two longform pieces. In November 2016 Frans de Waard recorded a track inspired by my music and he shared this with me, and of course I couldn’t go without response. The result can be heard on this cassette tape.Frans his track is […]
Live at Cinetol, Amsterdam 9-12-2020
On December 9th, 2020 had the pleasure to perform at Cinetol in Amsterdam twice.It were two intimate performances and the second was recorded by Mark Smith (The Sunshine Lounge) with a mobile device.When I received the recording I was so happy to hear this back and after mastering it, it sounds very warm with a […]
En de stilstaande tijd
With ‘En de stilstaande tijd’ Orphax presents a profoundly engaging and immersive soundscape which takes the listener on her/his own journey beyond time – in which time is forgotten, again, once more. A record to showcase there is much room for emotion within minimalist drone music; room Orphax shares with great composers like Eliane Radigue and Pauline Oliveros.
The Eternal Chord – Mutatis Mutandis
I was asked by Mike from Touch to contribute to this amazing compilation with new compositions based on the beautiful “The Eternal Chord – Semper Liber“ I am part of this amazing club of musicians: Fennesz, Faith Coloccia (inc. bonus track), Richard Chartier, Philip Jeck, Olivia Block, Jiyeon Kim, Dahra, Daniel Menche & Marta de Pascalis […]
Black Glass Ensemble & Friends – Be Mine in Patience: an Embrace in B minor
I contributed to this really beautiful project started by Michael Begg and the Black Glass Ensemble together with 103 other musicians. We all had to record a B minor and the separate notes. From this Michael made a beautiful composition: Be Mine in Patience: an Embrace in B minor. You can read more about the […]
My album Mijmeringen is out now on my friends label Broken20 as CD and digital. You can order the CD from me here https://orphax.bandcamp.com/album/mijmeringen or when my copies are gone or if you want it digital through Broken20 here https://store.broken20.com/album/mijmeringen The label wrote the following great words about this album: Broken20 unveil a 40 minute […]
Sontag Shogun – It Billows Up (Orphax Remix)
I was asked to remix the very beautiful track “It Billows Up” by Sontag Shogun for a remix album. And this has been released now by the label Youngbloods. I am really excited about my remix, but the remix album (in two parts) is really great, just like the original album. So be sure to check […]