Embraced Imperfections

On May 9th I performed live at Further_In.live, a website set up by my dear friend Ruaridh Law / TVO who also runs Broken20 to create a platform for audio and visual artists to perform during COVID-19 As with most of my recent music and performances, also with this performance, I pursue an experience in […]
Quiet Iconoclast – compiled and mixed by TVO

For the crowd-funding campaign of my label Moving Furniture Records I asked friends to help out. My dear friend Ruaridh Law from TVO jumped in and took the job on him to go through my full catalogue and make a special mix out of this. In the mix you will hear the following tracks:Orphax & TVO […]
Live in your living room

On March 22nd I would have a performance at Splendor in Amsterdam. Though, as we all know by now COVID-19 is spreading around rapidly and we have cancelled the performance. Instead, I performed from home, streaming through various video services. This is the recording I did of the performance for you now to download and […]
Live Circles
My new album Live Circles is out now on Moving Furniture Records. You can order your own copy in my webshop here: https://orphax.bandcamp.com/album/live-circles [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4206211939 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] Circles is a work, or composition, that I have been performing live for a few years now in various instances. I consider this […]
Piano Music
A bit of a long post, but still really want to share this, because it is important to me to share this. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3592029765 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small] https://orphax.bandcamp.com/album/piano-music I almost never post about my personal feelings and thoughts on here, and won’t go into too many details now either. I rather […]
44×44 started as a project in 2005 when I was working on a few sketches to try out some new things. The first few sketches were all 44 seconds, which gave me the idea to make 44 sketches in total, all of 44 seconds. So once in a while I would work on this, without […]
In The Beginning
In the beginning… There was nothing, and let’s keep it that way. Recorded live with 2 synthesizers without overdubs or edits December 31st, 2018, released January 1, 2019 Vermona Perfourmer MK2. ARP Odyssey. Reaper. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=249355981 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small]
Dream Sequence #5
For one of the events of the project “There is a wall to be crossed, and I am the wall” project by Justina Nekrašaitė I was asked to record a piece of music the participants could listen to during a part of the travel from Amsterdam to Maastricht (The Netherlands). Often when I am travelling in […]