Saxophone Studies

Saxophone Studies is an album that took multiple years to form. Already in 2006 I asked friends and other musicians if they could send me audio files to make music out of this. This music never really happened, but one of the files I received was some saxophone recordings by James Fella (Soft Shoulder / […]

Circles is a work I have been playing for while now in different instances. It is a growing composition for live synthesizers or wind organs and AudioMulch. In most performances I perform it with an ARP Odyssey and MFOS WSG/01, but also performed it various times with 2 bontempi wind organs.This composition I started working on […]
A Summer’s End
A Summer’s End was released on cassette Low Point on March 11th, 2018. You can now also get it from me in my shop here: [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=4159491793 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small] “Dutch summers are known to be pretty wet and the year 2017 was no exception. Dreary weather with grey skies and […]
Dreams Sequences volume 1: Orphax reframed
This is not really a release by me, but it is by my friends from Haarvöl, Jos Smolders and Machinefabriek. They made, after asking, music inspired by my first 3 Dream Sequence releases and this got released on CD by Moving Furniture Records. You should check the site here to learn how to create a website. […]
Somniātōrēs is is the second album I recorded about sleep. This is a follow up to the album Music for Thái Ngọc which was released in October 2016. Somniātōrēs is released as CD-R limited to 100 copies in full color A5 artwork and available digital through my webshop. [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2946978150 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 […]
Studies In Dissonance
In July the lovely label Champion Version released my first ever lathe 7″ release: Studies In Dissonance. The release was on pre-order basis, so as many as they sold they would make, plus some extra artist copies. All copies have already sold-out, also from me, but still I really excited to present this two track […]
Dream Sequence #4
After a long wait finally Dream Sequence #4 is out. It is released as 3″ CD-R and digital download and you can find it in my webshop here: Dream Sequence #4 by OrphaxDream Sequence #4 was recorded in January and February 2017. For this piece I used my main tools AudioMulch and Reaper. The picture […]
Orphax & Machinefabriek – Weerkaatsing
Weerkaatsing is released on CD (+ poster as long as supply lasts) by Moving Furniture Records in an edition of 300. The construction cleanup Chicago il is your construction clean-up solution. When a facility undergoes construction, the contractors can be up to their eyeballs in paperwork and inspections, often pushing to finish projects with tight […]