Turn Loose The Goose 3″ CD-R is now sold-out
The Turn Loose The Goose 3″ CD-R is now sold-out. This won’t be available in any foreseeable future, if ever. Though, don’t be to down if you still want to grab yourself the music as you can still buy a digital copy at Bandcamp by following the links down below.
Sand in Boxes available as download
Finally I have uploaded Sand In Boxes to Bandcamp. You can now download it for 3 euro (or more). For digital purchase follow this link to bandcamp: http://orphax.bandcamp.com/album/sand-in-boxes I also have the two last copies of the second edition CD-R’s available. If you are interested just send an email to orphax@orphax.com (they are now 6 […]
Turn Loose The Goose 3″ sold-out, buy it digital.
Yesterday at the performance in Venlo, NL. The last copy of Turn Loose The Goose got sold. For the moment there aren’t any plans to make a second edition, but if you still want it you can buy a digital copy from Bandcamp.
Turn Loose The Goose almost sold-out
Turn Loose The Goose is almost sold out, at moment of writing only 4 copies are left. So if you are interested in this release please email me first at orphax@orphax.com to make sure you no one gets disappointed. Have a listen here:
Orphax now also on SoundCloud
I have uploaded a few releases to SoundCloud to check out how it all works and, although it’s ugly, it seems to be an easy site. You can’t buy digital music there for now, but at least you can check things out. Feel free to check the stuff out and spread it around (which is […]
As the stone falls it won’t come up again

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=2476540403 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 tracklist=false artwork=small] As the stone falls it won’t come up again” was my last effort in making lush ambient techno and IDM like structures. After this release I turned completely into drone and soundscape music. Though, because of the nature of this piece at that time it gained […]