I was asked to remix the very beautiful track “It Billows Up” by Sontag Shogun for a remix album. 
And this has been released now by the label Youngbloods

I am really excited about my remix, but the remix album (in two parts) is really great, just like the original album. So be sure to check it out. I won’t have it available on my own Bandcamp, so if you want to hear it go visit Sontag Shogun’s site here https://sontagshogun.bandcamp.com/album/it-billows-up-remixed-vol-2 

And you can listen to my own remix in the player here on the right 🙂

[bandcamp width=350 height=350 album=8614254 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=333333 minimal=true track=3055938255]